Monday, December 7, 2009

Dec. 7, 2009: no Nigerian word for "yield"

My introduction to the vibrant and fantastically confusing city of Lagos began with my inability to keep track of how many car accidents I most certainly thought we were going to get into during our morning commute to the car markets of the city. Sit in back, buckle up and take it all in in the name of "cultural experience."

Adis drives exceptionally well, but outside of this particular cultural context his style would not go over well with Mass. State Troopers.

Made our initial contacts with the "Big Men" of the Lagos car importing and modification industry, all of whom are enthusiastic (today) about our project. We commence filming tomorrow.

Finishing off my first full day in Lagos at an artsy hotel lobby/bar, with some visiting artists from Denmark and Bangladesh. We transitioned from a talk at the Lagos Center for Contemporary Arts with these folks over to the hotel, and now the drinks are flowing as we converse under the soft noise of whirling fans.

Food is good, beer is cold, weather is warm -- despite the local idea of traffic control, not much to complain about.

More later.